Comet Bay College wrapped up its Book Week 2022 celebrations today with its annual dress up – and some of our staff’s costumes were more elaborate than our students’!
Departments each chose a theme, dressing as characters from Harry Potter, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Great Gatsby, Counting Sheep, Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, fairytales and comic book heroes.
The Health and Physical Education Department were voted Best Dressed, with Principal Kelly Bennett taking out the individual award! The Maths Department won Best Suited to the Theme.
About 25 of our Defence students enjoyed an elegant Alice in Wonderland-themed tea party luncheon.
All week the College library has been abuzz with creative and inspiring activities, including arts and crafts, quizzes, word searches and making fairy bread, which the students have enjoyed during English classes and at recess and lunch times.