Comet Bay College students have been benefitting from a boost to career-focused learning, thanks to the appointment of our new Career Practitioner Katy Vipond.
The full-time role is new to the College and aims to bridge the gap between school communities and industry sectors.
Ms Vipond has been working closely with students, teachers and our Career Development Team to bring careers to the forefront of the curriculum.
“Statistics show that if you start talking to students early about careers, they engage more in their studies,” she said. “Students sometime wonder why they are learning about various topics, but if we can show the link between the curriculum and their career goals, it inspires them to strive for success.”
Year 8, 9 and 10 students at Comet Bay College benefit from career lessons in their HASS classes, and there are plans to expand the program to include Year 7s next year.
“Additionally, we strive to give students exposure to guest speakers, incursions and excursions and multi-media material which links their studies to real-world jobs. We want students to understand the endless options available to them and enthuse them to strive for a career that excites them.”