A group of our Year 11 students completed their Peer Mentor training last week, making them ready to assist our 2022 Year 7s in their transition to high school.
The Peer Mentor program is a Positive Culture Team (PCT) initiative which helps build relationships between the College’s youngest students and their Year 12 role models.
It has grown and evolved significantly since it was introduced two years ago, and next year’s Peer Mentor group is the largest cohort to date.
The mentors will work in pairs and be linked to Year 7 classes, working to help students navigate the transition to high school.
PCT Dean Kelly Hulin said the mentors receive ongoing training and debriefing and will leave the program with a Certificate in Community Service and Certificate in Administration and Management.
“The mentors are here to help our newest students in a range of ways; guiding them through friendship issues, informing them about College services on offer – such as after-school tutoring – and pointing them in the right direction for further support if needed,” Ms Hulin said.
“For our Year 7s, this gives them someone relatable to turn to when they need help and working with older peers will strengthen their social and emotional skills. For our mentors, they are serving their school community and leaving a legacy of the culture we value and encourage.
“The program helps to bridge the gap between the oldest and youngest members of our student body and there are a lot of benefits for everyone when that happens.”