Comet Bay College recognised R U OK?Day last week by encouraging students to check on their friends and loved ones.
R U OK?Day is a national day of action when Australian’s are reminded to check on people struggling with life’s up and downs by starting a conversation about mental health. This year’s message was to remember there is often more to say after “R U OK?”.
College Nurse Leonie Wilson and First Aid Officer Lorry Rule set up an informational stall with pamphlets promoting good health and wellbeing, which students could access at recess and lunchtime.
“This year it is particularly important to acknowledge the struggles people may be going through, as hard times have hit so many,” Mrs Wilson said.
“Our children have also been impacted by the changes COVID-19 has forced upon us, and making sure they are aware of their mental health, coping strategies and the need to look after each other is a priority.”