Tomato sauce, food dye, makeup and pizza dough were used to stage gruesome crimes in our Year 10 Criminology Extension class last Friday.
The students had fun setting up four different crimes, each complete with a back story, volume of evidence, police reports, witness statements and list of suspects.
Humanities and Social Sciences teacher Trudy Jensen said the students also had to put on their detective hats to solve the crimes fabricated by the other groups.
“The students have been studying the collection of evidence for several weeks, and they understand the importance of protecting a crime scene and that contamination makes it difficult to secure a conviction in court,” Dr Jensen said.
“It was their job to assess the crime scene, study the evidence provided and write a news report which explains the crime and who they believe was responsible.
“I’ve been amazed by the creativity of this class and the standard of work they have produced for this project.
“Each group created a unique crime and a very high standard of evidence, even writing autopsy reports. It’s proved an engaging activity.”