Our Year 9 HASS students got a taste of global trading in a fun game earlier this week.
Students were divided into groups to represent six countries – Australia, China, UK, Saudi Arabia, Ghana and Colombia – and were given commodities to trade, including gold, lumber, oil, electronics and coffee.
Humanities and Social Sciences teacher Charissa Efthyvoulos said the activity showcased economic systems and principals on a small scale.
“The game started with ethical trading and fair decisions, but as it progressed we saw students forming alliances and stealing from other countries,” Ms Efthyvoulos said.
“With every round of trading, the countries were hit with a global event which changed the price of their commodities. This allowed the students to see how external influences can affect the economic security of a country.
“It was a great experiment for our students. Despite Colombia being robbed of all their commodities, they were adopted by Australia which proved a powerful ally and they won the game.”