R U OK? Day 2019

In support of R U OK? Day on 12 September, Comet Bay College nurse Leonie Wilson and first aid officer Lorry Rule held an information stall equipped with pamphlets promoting good health and wellbeing to our students.

During recess and lunchtime, students were able to access information about dealing with depression and anxiety disorders, staying healthy, cannabis and its effects on mental health, cyberbullying and making the most of studying.

Students also hosted an R U OK? Day concert in the amphitheatre at lunchtime.

R U OK? Day is Australia’s national day of action, urging people to start a conversation with their family, friends or workmates about mental health. It could be a life-changing conversation.

This year, people were being encouraged to Trust the Signs, Trust Your Gut and ask R U OK? We want everyone to feel confident they know the signs someone might need support by listening to what they’re saying, seeing what they’re doing or knowing what’s going on in their life. Whenever you notice a change, no matter how small, we want you to trust your gut and start an R U OK? conversation.

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