Year 8 Childcare Visit Orangutan Park


On Friday 28 October our Year 8 Childcare class visited the Golden Bay Orangutan Park to investigate different learning spaces for children, in particular a children’s playground.  Students explored the park and created games that they could play with young children.

Students also evaluated the design of the park observing the parks features and assessing how these could impact on children’s play. The swings, slide, towers and BBQ area were the stand out features, with students noting that they can accommodate group play and are family friendly.

Potential risks were discussed around the large, slippery tyres and net ladder. There were some mixed opinions about the rocks, some students believing they were dangerous and hard to climb, while others felt they were interesting and created a challenge.

The students will now use this information to design and produce a playground of their own as part of their ‘shoe box’ assessment task.

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