CBC Breakfast Club


Breakfast club at CBC has been running now since term 2 2016. Instigated by the School Chaplain E.Clayson and has been supported by many of the school staff., the CBC Breakfast club is now visited by about 50 students each week.

It is a fully inclusive pastoral care setting designed to offer a warm, inviting opportunity for staff and students to interact and to be offered a healthy breakfast prior to commencing the school day. It is a way of students socializing with all year groups, Associate Deans and to feel more connected with the school community.

Food is is graciously donated  from Foodbank and the Second Bite program that is run by COLES.

Students have a variety of foods from the five food groups to choose from including baked beans, spaghetti, toast, weetbix, fruit, milk, cheesies, eggs cooked in a variety of ways, fruit smoothies and warm Milo.

Breakfast Club is run Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 0745-8.30.

Written By Robyn Rogers, Community Youth Nurse

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