Health and Physical Education

The objective of Health and Physical Education is to empower students to improve their own health, safety, well-being, and participation in physical activities across different contexts. This learning area is built upon a strong foundation of scientific knowledge from fields such as physiology, nutrition, biomechanics, and psychology, which contribute to our understanding of making healthy, safe, and active choices. The Australian Curriculum for Health and Physical Education (F–10) incorporates these sciences and provides students with a contemporary, relevant, challenging, enjoyable, and physically engaging curriculum.

In Years 7-10, all students are required to take part in Health Education and General Physical Education.

Participation in Specialist, Development and Extension Programs is limited to students selected through trials. If there are available spots at the end of each term, students will be chosen based on their demonstrated ability and commitment to the specific area of study.

Physical Education is a compulsory program that exposes students a comprehensive range of sports and physical activities, enabling them to cultivate valuable skills, acquire knowledge, and develop a deeper understanding across a variety of team-based and individual sports. These activities encompass a wide spectrum of disciplines, including but not limited to netball, basketball, football, touch rugby, athletics, swimming, soccer, softball, cricket, sofcrosse, badminton, tennis, hockey, and volleyball.


By participating in these diverse sports, students are exposed to different rules, strategies, techniques, and gameplay dynamics, fostering their overall athletic abilities and competencies. Team sports like netball, basketball, and football promote collaboration, communication, and strategic thinking, as players work together towards a common objective. Individual sports such as athletics, swimming, and tennis help students develop self-reliance, discipline, and personal goal-setting skills.

Additionally, engaging in a wide array of sports allows students to explore their personal interests and preferences, potentially discovering new passions and talents.

The REACH program aims to empower every student by fostering happiness, resilience, and a clear sense of purpose and direction. It addresses issues that impact students’ learning outcomes and overall well-being. These issues include:

  • Lack of self‐regulation and disruptive behaviour
  • Stress and anxiety in children and teachers
  • Sensory overload impacting both student performance and behaviour
  • Inadequate attention skills coupled with difficulty retaining information resulting in poor academic performance
  • Increasing numbers of children expressing a sense of hopelessness and negativity
  • Lack of empathy and an inability to recognise their own feelings
  • Poor verbal communication skills leading to negative interactions with others
  • Lack of connectedness
  • Stereotyping of others which may lead to biased beliefs and behaviours
  • Increased occurrence of risky behaviour such as drug taking and self-harm
  • Inability to problem-solve causing incidents among student populations
  • Prevalence of anger
  • Bullying behaviours

By embedding resilience and problem-solving (social and emotional learning) skills in the curriculum at an early stage, students can better prepare themselves for the challenges they may face during their teenage years. Adolescence is a time when individuals are more vulnerable to risky behaviours and disengagement from school. Developing heightened self and social awareness, fostering positive self-perception, and building social and emotional skills can significantly improve students’ life outcomes and academic success. These skills also increase the likelihood of students completing their education and contribute to their long-term success in seeking employment and making positive contributions to society.

This compulsory program aims to improve a student’s knowledge, attitude and skills in aspects of personal and social health. It encompasses various topics, including drug awareness with a specific focus on cannabis and alcohol education, as well as comprehensive sexuality education which focuses on personal identity, group identity, conception, pregnancy, birth, family living, and navigating societal pressures.

The overarching goal of this program is to equip students with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively cope with the myriad of influences that impact their health. By providing comprehensive education in these areas, students are empowered to make informed decisions, develop positive attitudes, and acquire essential life skills that promote their overall well-being.

Comet Bay College’s Australian Football Specialist Program, approved by the Department of Education, is designed to be a consistent learning program for selected Years 7 to 12 boys and girls. The program provides students with ongoing development in the skills and attributes needed to play Australian Rules Football at the highest level.

Students are exposed to specialist coaching, study and practice offensive and defensive skills, advanced strategies and tactics, and work towards the level of conditioning required. They also gain experience in both umpiring and coaching roles.

Students focus on goal setting and have regular individual reviews to assess their development within the program, with assistance given to reach each selected goal.

The Comet Bay College Australian Football Specialist Program invites talented players to participate each year through trials.  Application details for trials will be advertised closer to the time.

For more information about Comet Bay College’s Australian Football Specialist Program: click here

The Basketball Extension program caters to players who aspire to enhance their skills and deepen their understanding of the game. Throughout the year, participants will focus on developing fundamental abilities, defensive strategies, decision-making capabilities, and offensive techniques, both individually and as a team. The program aims to motivate students to reach their maximum potential in basketball, fostering a team-oriented environment that values hard work and dedication.

Students will have the opportunity to attend extracurricular games and Basketball carnivals in the Peel region.

The College has witnessed a growing interest in the sport and Basketball Extension Program over the past few years. Students wanting to refine their skills to elevate their game to new heights are encouraged to register for the program’s selection trials.

The program aims to introduce students to various fitness components and training principles across a range of disciplines such as circuit training, boot camp, aerobics, strength and conditioning, combat training, and core stability. Special attention will be given to proper execution, instruction, and delivery of correct techniques for each exercise. Students will be expected to engage in a comprehensive exploration of fitness across different target groups, including sport-specific, health-related, and special populations.

Regular fitness testing will be conducted throughout the program to assess students’ progress and development.

It is important to note that there may be additional optional costs associated with training camps and competitions, which are outlined in the Year 10 Course Selection Handbook.

Entry to this program requires participants to be able to swim 100 metres unassisted, and to float and tread water for at least three minutes, and selection is on a completion of fitness trials.

This program is designed to develop competence in dealing with the natural environment in a safe manner. The curriculum comprises theoretical sessions that equip students with the knowledge needed to interact with the environment while minimising their impact.

Students will acquire an understanding of emergency responses to diverse outdoor challenges, such as survival swimming, first aid, travel skills, and survival techniques. They should be prepared to operate in various aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Participating students will engage in a wide range of activities aimed at enhancing their problem-solving abilities, leadership skills, navigation expertise, orienteering proficiency, expedition planning aptitude, roping techniques, camp cooking proficiency, and emergency first aid competence.

Students must be prepared to work in a wide range of aquatic, as well as land environments.

Students will take part in activities ranging from problem solving and leadership activities, navigation, orienteering, expedition planning, roping, camp cooking and emergency first aid.

The Physical Education Extension Program caters to students who possess a strong passion for sports and physical activity. To enrol in this option, students are encouraged to strive for a B grade in Physical Education.

The program adopts a “game-related approach” that aims to offer competitive games while maximising participation. In Year 10, students will have the opportunity to utilise local offsite facilities for various activities. These activities include lacrosse, ultimate frisbee, beach cricket, beach volleyball, hockey, fitness training, rugby, golf, and swimming.

Comet Bay College’s Soccer Development Program aims to enhance students’ soccer techniques, skills, and comprehension of the game, with a particular emphasis on attacking and defending principles. The coaching themes for each term are aligned with clear objectives that are based on the Football Federation Australia (FFA) Curriculum for Football. Additionally, specific game scenarios are incorporated to facilitate the holistic development of students’ game understanding.

The lessons within the program are designed to be enjoyable, safe, and challenging for all students.

Furthermore, students are given opportunities to represent the College in competitive games and have access to competitive football in the local area through a partnership with Rockingham City Football Club.

This Year 10 course offers a comprehensive learning program that serves as a foundation for progression into Years 11 and 12. Its primary objective is to cultivate responsible, motivated, and confident individuals capable of leading safe, purposeful, and enjoyable sporting and recreational activities. The course is specifically designed to encourage student involvement in organising and assisting with the provision of sports and recreational events within the local community.

Participants in this course are expected to become ambassadors for health and well-being, both within the College and our partnering local primary schools. Throughout the program, students will acquire knowledge in organisational skills, sports safety, recreational agencies, fitness training practices, and competition structures. They will also have the opportunity to earn coaching and officiating awards in various sports.

Interested students will be required to submit an application, and the selection process will consider clear criteria and the applicants’ prior involvement and interest in this field during their time at Comet Bay College.

The Surfing Development Program offered at Comet Bay College is specifically designed for students in Years 8, 9, and 10. This program grants students the opportunity to learn and enhance their skills and knowledge in surfing, with a primary focus on safety, while aiming to foster a lifelong connection to the sport.

Throughout the program, students will develop an understanding of identifying safe surfing locations and acquire the necessary skills to effectively paddle into and catch waves. Emphasis will be placed on techniques required to perform at a high level. Students will engage in self-assessment, maintain reflective journals, and benefit from video analysis to improve their surfing techniques. They will also participate in physical conditioning exercises designed to improve range of motion, core strength, balance, and coordination.

To cater to a wide range of conditions, students will have access to a variety of surfboards that they can experiment with. They will also utilise the Smooth Star Skateboard, which replicates surfing movement patterns and allows for skill development in a controlled setting that may not be possible in actual surfing conditions. This enables students to practice and refine specific movements and skills before transferring them to the water.

Comet Bay College is dedicated to offering ongoing study opportunities in Health and Physical Education for students in Years 11 and 12. We provide a range of courses, including General and ATAR courses, as well as Certificates and Fee for Service qualifications. Detailed information about these study options can be accessed in our comprehensive Upper School Course Selection Handbook on our website page here:

“There is a universal notion, exaggerated in Australia, that sport connects people who are not connected either by history, community, culture, gender, race, class or status.
Sport is seen as the transcender, the unifier and the healer of difference. “

Brett Hutchins

Information Technology and Design
Risk Program