Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

Comet Bay College Maritime Cadets

Comet Bay College Maritime Cadets is a school-based, after-hours club with a maritime focus. All students in Year 7 who attend Comet Bay College are welcome to attend. CBC Maritime Cadets was established to give students who are too young to join the Australian Defence Cadets an opportunity to experience, and get a head start on, cadet training.

CBC Maritime Cadets is not affiliated with any other cadet organisation or group. However, due to the partnership that Comet Bay College has with Training Ship Comet, Navy Cadet Unit, participants in CBC Maritime Cadets are guaranteed a place in TS Comet when they become old enough. The skills learnt will also give students an advantage if they decide to join a different ADF cadet unit.

CBC Maritime Cadets has four focus points which are the foundation of every activity:

  • Have fun
  • Learn about ADF cadets
  • Experience a sense of connection
  • Develop values of service, community and excellence

The learning focus follows a curriculum common to maritime cadet units from around the world and include flag ceremonies, basic drill, boat safety, first aid training, naval terms, camp cooking, navigation, radio procedure, knots, teamwork and more. 

CBC Maritime Cadets training takes place each Wednesday during the school terms from 3.00pm to 4.30pm. CBC Maritime Cadets is run by our Youth Development Officer David Karcheski and assisted by additional teachers as needed. All staff work at Comet Bay College. Places are limited and so early enrolment is recommended. CBC Maritime Cadets must be aged 11 or 12 years old for the entire year of their membership. Cadets aged 12 who turn 13 in the current calendar year are permitted to join TS Comet. To find our more or get an application pack, please email email hidden; JavaScript is required.

Training Ship Comet

The Australian Navy Cadet’s vision is to provide an environment and opportunities to develop young Australians to become capable, confident and resilient members of their communities. Cadets learn qualities that will enable them to contribute effectively and positively to society, including leadership, self-reliance, confidence, teamwork, acceptance of responsibility and a sense of community.

Navy Cadets makes exploring new adventures and who you want to be a safe an exciting challenge. Whatever you want to do when you leave school, Navy Cadets will give you the skills to help you cope with the big world and enjoy what it brings.

TS Comet started to parade in April 2022 and quickly grew to one of the largest Navy Cadet Units in Western Australia. TS Comet parades every Wednesday during school terms from 6.20pm until 9.30pm at Comet Bay College. Students aged 12 to 18 from all schools are invited to take part. Places are limited so early registration is recommended. Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required to register your interest or find out more.