Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

Quick Links

Our most frequently used resources, and where you can go for support setting up an account or trouble-shooting.


Compass enables parents/guardians to engage closely with the College to see how their child is performing, book teacher conferences and report attendance. Support information is available on the website, by calling (03) 9005 5217 or emailing



Connect is an integrated online environment developed by the Department of Education WA for students, parents and staff in public schools, and is used by the College to distribute important notifications. Account logins are distributed by the College. Please contact Associate Principal Phil Casas for support.


Education Perfect

Education Perfect is an online teaching platform which helps every student reach their potential. Logins are distributed by the College. Demonstrations and Help Guides are available on the website, for troubleshooting phone +61261003723.


SSO is a school administration program, accessed by students and their families when selecting courses for their following year's timetable. Comet Bay College distributes student logins ahead of the subject selection process via Connect messaging. For SSO support, please contact the College.