Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

Students in Years 11 and 12 have the opportunity to choose between three Vocational Education and Training (VET) pathways: School-Delivered Vocational Qualifications, the School to Employment Program (STEP) or an External Qualification arrangement with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO), Private Training Provider, or Employer (School-Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship – SBAT). These pathways are designed to complement general studies at the College, providing students with practical, career-focused qualifications.

School Delivered Vocational Qualifications

Comet Bay College delivers vocational qualifications as part of its General pathway, facilitated by highly-qualified and experienced teachers. This approach offers students an excellent opportunity to expand their skillsets and gain nationally-recognised vocational qualifications. These credentials not only enhance students’ academic profiles but also provide a competitive edge as they pursue further education, apprenticeships, or direct entry into the workforce. By integrating vocational training into the General curriculum, the College ensures that students have access to practical, industry-relevant experiences that align with their career aspirations and future goals.

STEP Pathway

The STEP pathway is ideal for students who are preparing for entry into the workforce, further education, or vocational training. Students on the STEP pathway will complete their general studies – English, Mathematics, Health, and Work-related Qualifications – over three days at school. They will also attend TAFE one day a week and engage in workplace learning on the job for another day each week.

With over 80 qualifications available, including trades, hospitality, fashion and beauty, business, animal studies, and media, STEP provides students with a wide range of options. These qualifications contribute to the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) and open up further opportunities in TAFE, university, apprenticeships, and direct employment. Many students secure employment or university placement offers after completing the program.

External Qualifications

External Qualifications allows students to pursue an off-site qualification while still attending general classes at the College four days a week. On Wednesdays, students participate in offsite training, which may include workplace learning components that must be completed during the school holidays, exam weeks, or at the end of Term 3 (Year 12) or Term 4 (Year 11).

This pathway is popular with students pursuing School-Based Apprenticeships or Traineeships (SBAT), a unique employment-based learning program that combines on-the-job training with off-site education, leading to a nationally recognised qualification. SBAT students can either enter an employment arrangement directly with an employer or through a Group Training Organisation (GTO). As part of this pathway, students earn money, gain valuable hands-on experience, and benefit from employer mentoring and support. The program also contributes to their WACE.

SBAT students must complete at least 7.5 hours of work per week with their employer (or GTO host employer). This commitment extends through school holidays, ensuring that students gain practical experience and develop the skills necessary for their future careers.

Considerations for Pathway Selection

When selecting a VET pathway, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Abilities: Each qualification has specific prerequisites, so choose a course that aligns with your strengths and skills.
  • Future Goals: Select courses that will support your future career or educational aspirations. If you're unsure of your career goals, opt for a pathway that offers flexibility and a broad range of opportunities.
  • Interests: Choose courses that align with your interests, as you'll spend a significant amount of time studying them.
  • Financial Commitment: Be mindful of course costs and consider your family's ability to manage the financial commitment.
  • Course Duration: Some courses span across both Year 11 and 12. Consider the long-term financial commitment and the potential impact on your graduation if you decide to change pathways later.

It’s important to note that moving between pathways can be challenging and may affect your ability to graduate on time. We strongly encourage students and parents to carefully consider their options before making a decision.

Support and Guidance

Choosing the right pathway for Upper School is a significant decision, and we offer a range of support services to help guide you through the process. Students and families can access advice from our Dean of Vocational Education and Career Development, Workplace Learning Officers, Associate Principals, Student Support Associate Deans, and our Career Practitioner.

The College also hosts a series of parent information evenings throughout the year to help with subject selection. Individual interviews are available for students and families interested in the VET pathways. At Comet Bay College, we are committed to providing students with the support and resources they need to make informed decisions about their future pathways.

More information about our VET pathways is available by emailing Vocational Education and Career Development Deanemail hidden; JavaScript is required.