Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

ATAR Pathway

Our ATAR pathway is designed for students aiming to pursue higher education, particularly university studies. Comet Bay College offers a comprehensive range of ATAR courses for students to choose in Year 11 and 12. This pathway is recommended for students who display strong academic performance.

General Pathway

Students can achieve their Western Australian Certificate of Education by completing General courses throughout Years 11 and 12. This pathway offers students an opportunity to pursue specific fields of interest while completing their high school education.

Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Vocational Education and Training (VET) provides skills and knowledge that is required to perform effectively in the workplace. This pathway delivers hands-on, industry-specific skills, offering qualifications such as certificates, combined with classroom learning. At Comet Bay College, students can pursue VET courses through our General, School to Employment Program (STEP) and Fee for Service pathways.