Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

Comet Bay College offers academic Extension Programs across all year levels, specifically designed to challenge high-achieving students working at an A or B grade level. These programs create a stimulating environment where students can collaborate with like-minded peers, encouraging the development of critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and academic excellence. The program is structured to provide these students with a solid foundation for advanced learning, preparing them for success in their post-secondary education pathways. 

Recognising the abilities of students in the Extension Program, our teachers tailor their instruction to allow for academic rigour and enrichment beyond Mainstream curriculum. Students are encouraged to delve deeper into subject areas, exploring complex topics and advancing their knowledge. This approach provides opportunities for extended learning, nurturing a passion for inquiry and intellectual growth. 

In addition to the academic enrichment, our Extension Program serves as a preparatory pathway for students aiming to enter the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) program, which begins in Year 11. By the time they reach senior school, Extension Program students are already familiar with the demands of advanced coursework, equipped with the skills and confidence to excel in the ATAR subjects that will shape their tertiary education and career aspirations. 

Comet Bay College offers a range of sporting and artistic Extension Programs. All students are eligible to audition for the programs. More information can be found by browsing Our Programs.