Comet Bay College Comet Bay College Seek Excellence

Applications for Gifted and Talented Secondary Selective Entrance programs in 2026 are now open.

Applications close Sunday, 9 February 2025 and testing will occur in Term 1, 2025.

Applications are open to students who will enter Year 7 in 2026. Limited places may also be available for students who will enter Years 9, 10 and 11 in 2026.

For more information and application forms can be found at Department of Education Gifted and Talented.

For more information, please contact Comet Bay College’s Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator email hidden; JavaScript is required.

The Gifted and Talented applications process is done externally through the Gifted and Talented Selective Unit (GTSU). See our Gifted and Talented page for further information. 

Applicants sit the Academic Selective Entrance Test (ASET) in Year 6. This is organised and run by the Department of Education’s GTSU and Comet Bay College is a testing venue each year. Successful applicants will then have a choice of Gifted and Talented Selective Schools once they receive their marks. Students may attend a school of choice, even if not in the local intake area.

More information about the offer process is available online.

For further information regarding release of ASET scores, preferences and offers, please contact the email hidden; JavaScript is required on 9264 4307.