Message from the Principal
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Comet Bay College. As the Principal I have great pride in our school, staff and students and I am committed to nurturing a culture of inspired learning.
Comet Bay College draws from a large demographic of students with a wide range of interest and aptitudes. As Rockingham’s largest secondary school, we offer a comprehensive variety of courses that delivers a balanced set of skills for all students to meet tomorrow’s challenges. We are constantly evolving to ensure we are at the forefront of secondary education, providing students with the skills they will need to graduate work-ready in this rapidly-changing world of technology and innovation.
Each student is considered a valued member of the College community. While academic achievement is promoted, outstanding effort is also celebrated, because true excellence is a constant quest for improvement. We understand each student has individual needs and dreams and our dedicated staff work hard to provide supportive and caring learning environments to ensure all students can strive to be the best they can be. Our aim is to produce confident, informed, forward-thinking citizens, who move forward in this world with the high standards of behaviour and positive attitude demonstrated at Comet Bay College. We want every student to have an optimistic outlook for their future, the confidence to pursue their dreams and the skillset to make worthwhile contributions to their community.
Strong partnerships between our staff, parents, students and the wider community have been the key to our success in academic, vocational and sporting pursuits throughout the College’s 16-year history. I encourage you to continue this support as we all play an integral part the success of Comet Bay College.
Kelly Bennett