Career Development at Comet Bay College encompasses all
of the programs that prepare our students for further education and training or employment.
Career Practitioner – Katy Vipond
Comet Bay College is fortunate to have a dedicated Career Practitioner in our long-standing teacher Katy Vipond. The full-time role, new to the College in 2022, and is a venture funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development and Department of Education in a bid to build students’ understanding of their potential and required skills, and knowledge to access the vast pathways available into further education, training or employment.
Ms Vipond’s role as Career Practitioner is to promote the College’s extensive career networking capabilities to both students and parents, to help them find the right pathway for success. She works closely with Dean of Vocational Education and Career Development Jane Bryer, and the College’s experienced and dedicated Career and VET teams. The VET team, which includes our hands-on workplace learning officers, aim to develop work readiness skills for all students, create greater networks between school communities and industry, and promote the link between curriculum content and career opportunities.
Statistics show that if you start talking to students early about careers, they engage more in their studies. Ms Vipond’s current role aims to expand the already established Career Development plan to include all Year 8-12 students. This involves working closely with students, teachers and our Careers and VET Teams to bring careers to the forefront of the curriculum. Curriculum will be developed that allows students to have a clearer understanding that the information and skills they are learning in the classroom transfer directly to roles and responsibilities in the workforce.
Year 9 students at Comet Bay College will also benefit from targeted career lessons in their HASS classes and will be given the opportunity to engage in career incursions and excursions, presentations and guest speakers that will broaden their exposure to future career pathways.
Career Education Year 7 – 9
Students are provided with opportunities to broaden their career knowledge through the Resilience, Emotional Awareness, Careers and Health (REACH) program. Delivered through the Health and Physical Education (HPE) area Comet Bay College students are guided through a process of self-reflection and goal setting that allows them to take their first steps towards realising their career goals.
More information on the REACH program is available here REACH Program.
Career Development – Year 10
Year 10 Course Counselling
Year 10 students will be given an opportunity to discuss their course selections for Year 11 during course counselling sessions held in Term 2 each year.
During these sessions, information will be provided to students and their parents/guardians regarding the courses and qualification pathways available through ATAR, General Studies and through STEP. Comet Bay College Vocational Education and Training staff will be available able to answer questions regarding the qualifications available and will provide assistance in the completion of any necessary documentation.
Apply for a USI
All year 10 students must apply for a USI (Unique Student Identifier) online before they attend their course counselling in Term 2. They must then bring their USI with them on the day of counselling. Applying for a USI is very simple – just follow the USI link to complete the requirements.
Students who have recently enrolled in the school and who will be completing a qualification must also register for a USI using the above link.
Career Development – Year 11 & 12
In Years 11 and 12, students will have access to an extensive range of qualifications that are delivered both in school and through external training providers. They will also have the opportunity to complete upper school courses in Career and Enterprise.
STEP is designed for students who are preparing for work or entry into further education or training, apprenticeships and traineeships. The program offers a joint school, industry and training partnership with students working towards secondary graduation while gaining valuable workplace learning.
The STEP program requires students to attend the College 3 days per week and the remaining 2 days at a Training Provider (TAFE) and/or workplace learning. Students are able to select from approximately 40 qualifications, in addition they will also select one of 3 “in school” qualifications.
Other Qualifications
Students who are not taking part in the STEP program in Years 11 and 12, have access to a range of one and two year qualifications that are delivered both internally and externally in General Studies.
Career and Enterprise Course
Career education is available to upper school students through the Career and Enterprise General Year 11 and Year 12 courses – Career and Enterprise is a compulsory course for students completing the School to Employment Program.
On completion of Career and Enterprise courses students will have learnt about the effect of local and global trends as well as economic forces that will have an impact upon the careers of the future. They will also develop skills in effective workplace communication and will be given the opportunity to develop an Individual Pathway Plan (IPP) to guide them towards their future career.
In order to assist students in the job application process prior to entering the workforce, students completing the Career and Enterprise General Year 12 course will also compile a personal career portfolio. This will include a resume as well as other available documentation such as references from employers and evidence of personal and academic achievements, certificates and qualifications.