Year 7 Comet Bay College student Lara Reeves has been trampolining for 4 years and recently competed at Hisense Arena in Melbourne at the 2017 Australian Gymnastic Championships. Lara placed 5th in Australia at the International Stream level (against 11-14 year olds) and also was awarded a Gold Medal in the Team event.
Earlier this month Lara came 2nd in the State Finals at Lords in Subiaco . Obviously many hours of training and dedication has led to her competing at this level. Keep up the great work Lara!
WA Trampolining Team wins GOLD!
Sarah Jones, Eva Kierath, Leanne Harrison and Lara Reeves
Lara said “It was challenging moving up to the International stream level from the National level where I had competed before”
Lara has been selected to participate in an intensive 4 day course run by the Australian Institute of Sport, to be held in Tasmania later this month. She is one of only 5 girls (in this age group) to be chosen from across the state for the TEAM FUTURE camp. This is an impressive achievement.