Strategic Games Day

The rotors turned, the engines roared and the stealthy tread of boots on gravel indicated to the witing US forces that the operation was a go. M’Bouti Es Hari, notorious african warlord, had been sighted in the town Whaddja Spekt. Capture of this infamous criminal and the elimination of his militia would mean peace, prosperity and the American way could return to this third world town…

The Strategic Games Club members participated in a ‘Blackhawk Down’ inspired game today. Each player controlled either a small force of Army Rangers, a Delta team or aircraft from 106th SOAR. The mission, to capture an african warlord and free his hostages, all the while keeping civilian casualties to a minimum and being ambushed by Militia. The players started with a multi-pronged attack however the militia quickly rallied and started training their russian-bought RPG-7s on the helicopters, bringing a couple down. While the Army Rangers secured the crash site and defended against the steadily increasing militia numbers, the Delta Force operatives successfully located and eliminated M’Bouti. An outstanding win for the US players.

Nathan Wright (one of the US players) and Liam Burnham Foster (Insurgent forces), pose mid battle for a photo op.

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